Our trip leader, Ryan is one the best photographers I know! I'm a big fan of his work, his courage to get up close and personal with big sharks (eeep!) and his magical ability to somehow always be in the right place at the right time. Most of our divers would agree with me when I say that Ryan is a great hype-man, mentor and inspiration in his work. Oh, and did I mention he is our trip leader for our upcoming Mobula Ray Expedition to Baja California!?!? For a deeper dive into his wide-angled world, we interviewed him about his past experiences and expert advice in diving and photography.

Hey Ryan! Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m an Australian underwater photographer currently living in Baja, Mexico. I’ve been capturing the beauty of the ocean for over 15 years, and I’m also a scuba instructor, shark safety diver, and ocean safari guide. My focus is on wide-angle photography, where I get to showcase the stunning marine life and underwater environments that never cease to amaze me.

What inspired you to specialize in underwater photography?
My inspiration came from a deep desire to show people the incredible life that exists beneath the waves. I’ve always enjoyed creating and sharing knowledge. Interacting with wildlife and experiencing new things has always been a passion of mine, and when I realized it was possible to make a living doing what I love—capturing these unique moments and sharing them with others—that’s when everything clicked. It’s a perfect blend of creativity, adventure, and education.

Can you share one of your most memorable experiences while photographing underwater?
I've been incredibly fortunate to have had some amazing interactions with marine life, and it's tough to choose just one standout moment. I've had the chance to get up close with great white sharks, been booped by manatees, and even swam within pods of false killer whales. But one of the most unique experiences I’ve had, which my friends and I call "The Orclipse," stands out. During the four minutes of totality in the 2024 solar eclipse, we found, and slipped into the water with, Orcas. I highly doubt this has ever happened before, and I'm pretty sure it won't again. Swapping eclipse glasses for a mask and snorkel during that moment was something truly unforgettable.

What challenges do you face as an underwater photographer, and how do you overcome them?
I spend all of my money on camera gear and underwater photography trips. I haven’t found a solution, but if you have any tips, I’m all ears! Otherwise I will keep living off rice and beans.

How do you stay updated on the latest techniques and technologies in underwater photography?
I’m lucky to be surrounded by a great group of underwater photographers—neighbours, friends, colleagues, and clients. We’re always chatting about how to capture better shots, create cool videos, or have unique interactions with marine life. The latest techniques and gear come up all the time in those conversations. I really enjoy learning from others and sharing what I know, so it’s a constant exchange of ideas that helps keep me up-to-date.

Can you share any tips or advice for aspiring underwater photographers?
My best advice would be to connect with other underwater photographers and learn from each other. The community is so welcoming, supportive, and collaborative—it’s a great place to share ideas and experiences. And of course, the key is to get in the water as much as you can. The more you practice, the better you’ll get, and the more you’ll find your own unique style.

What are your favorite locations or dive sites for underwater photography, and why?
One of my favorite spots is La Ventana—it’s where I really feel the sense of adventure and exploration every time I head out with my camera. The ocean is always full of surprises, and that unpredictability is what makes it so exciting. I know I’m likely to capture some great shots of mobula rays, sea lions, turtles, and dolphins, which always puts a smile on my face. But there's also the chance that I’ll encounter something truly unique and special, something that will stay with me, that will bring a smile to my face every time I think back on that day.

Have you ever encountered any unexpected or dangerous situations while photographing underwater?
While there’s always an element of risk in any activity, it can usually be managed with knowledge and preparation. I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s dangerous—after all, I spend a lot of time interacting with apex predators, and honestly, the highest risk I face is probably driving a car! As for unexpected situations, those are actually some of my favorites. I once spotted a large brown patch on the ocean surface, and when I dove in, I realized it was oil mixed with chunks of giant squid. It turns out, a predator had just taken down a giant squid! I wish I had gotten there a bit earlier, but it was still an incredible, unexpected find. The ocean is unpredictable, and in its depths, every dive holds the potential for a life-changing discovery. It’s a humbling experience to witness nature in its rawest form, where every encounter is fleeting and precious. Sometimes, these moments—unexpected and unplanned—remind me why I do this work. They challenge my understanding, deepen my respect for marine life, and inspire me to capture and protect what remain

How do you think underwater photography can contribute to marine conservation efforts?
I believe that to protect something, you first need to care about it, and to care about it, you need to understand it—and that starts with being able to see it. One of my favorite parts of underwater photography is taking people out to experience marine life firsthand. There’s something truly special about watching someone’s reaction when they see a dolphin riding the bow of a boat or a shark cruising by. But for those who can’t join these trips, photography and videos provide an accessible way for people to connect with these animals.

On a more direct level, many of the captains I work with were once shark fishermen, but ecotourism has given them a sustainable alternative. They often tell me that they make more in tips from tourists than they did from fishing sharks, which is incredibly rewarding to hear. It gives me a warm feeling knowing that the guests who come to visit are helping turn the tide away from unsustainable practices.

Check out some more of Ryan's work here!
Instagram: @saultphotography